Welcome to STL Organizing Solutions

My goal is to help you, the busy individual, regain control and inspire you to be the happiest, most productive you by creating a sense of calm and order to your home.  I will identify and discuss obstacles you may be facing and create a simple, personalized solution to remove them.


STL Organizing Solutions will make it so you will no longer spend time cleaning, tidying , searching and stressing.  Your life will have order, calm and harmony.  And your free time will be just that; quality time spent doing what you love with the ones you love.


My functional approach will improve efficiency to your household and bring lasting change so it runs smoothly.  It will simplify even the most hectic life.  I will help to organize items important to you and remove those that are not.  This process will bring order and functionality to any space.

About us

Hello. Thank you for considering STL Organizing Solutions for your organizing needs and to simplify your life.

My entire life has revolved around organizing. I can remember as a child wanting everything just perfect. I have always lived by the motto “a place for everything and everything in its place”. From my closet to my kitchen to my junk drawer, I like to have a everything in its place. I find if you have a spot for everything, it is easier to put objects back where they belong.

But believe me, I understand the stresses and demands of family, work and home without time to organize yourself. For this reason, I want to help you bring order to your space and make it so you can maintain it and simplify your life.